Diary in Torrevieja
Torrevieja starts “Cycling Tour” to Spain 2019
The 74th edition of the cycling tour to Spain is here. This important event will be held between August 24 and September 19 and it will put our dear locality on the Spanish map. This year for the first time in its history, Torrevieja will kick off this great event. A total of 3272 km will be made, of which 400 km, the first three stages, pass through the province of Alicante.
This year, without a doubt, the city of Torrevieja makes an innovative commitment to the place chosen for the start of the first stage: “The salt flats of Torrevieja” and more specifically with one of the mountains of salt in the background. From this emblematic and internationallly known point, the first stage will start, which will be teams, 18 km time-trial and it will end at the port next to the east dike.
This will be the sixth time that the tour passes through the province of Alicante and the first time that passes through Torrevieja. From the city council they have turned to the opportunity to project internationally the high environmental value of Torrevieja. A global event that is broadcast in 189 countries and It has 400 million potencial viewers. From August 21 the auditorium of Torrevieja will be the communication center that will have to give up to 3000 accreditations.
One more year at the same time as the cycling tour to Spain, the “junior tour” is celebrated. An event where the cities of Torrevieja, Calpe and Alicante will be the protagonists. They will choose children from the schools in the area to travel the last kilometer of each stage with the runners.
Where will it go the first stage of the 2019 tour? What will be the itinerary of this first stage?
It has cost us sweat and blood to find out where the first stage is going to be played since the information they have given us in the town hall and the information on the official page of the cycling tour is void.
The tour will leave from the salt flats, specifically from a mountain of salt from within the salt flats. It will be almost impossible to see it there, because of the security measures. As soon as they leave the saslt flats, they will turn through Urbano Arregui Street followed by Diego Ramirez Pastor Avenue to Orihuela Street where they will turn left. At the roundabout they will turn right past the mill park. They will continue straight ahead through Paris Avenue, José Zorrilla avenue and José Samper García round until Agua avenue where they will turn right and return to Torrevieja along the coast passing under the tower of the Moor, Notario Juan José Martinez Roman avenue. They will pass through all the coves, playa de los locos to the curva del palangre where they will continue along la Purisima Avenue, following the coast, passing behind la playa del cura and the natural pools, by Ramón y Cajal street to the dike of Levante, where this first time-trial stage of tour 2019 ends.
This is the itinerary of the first stage of the cycling tour that will pass through our city. Now that you know where it will go you only have to choose where you want to see it on TV or on the street?